Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos Coming To Film

Hyperion Cover

Warner Bros. is working on a film adaptation of the first two books of Dan Simmons' sci-fi Hyperion Cantos. The plan is to adapt the first two books into a single film since they comprise the entire story of the pilgrims journey to The Shrike. I'd love to see these books brought to film but given the multiple character points of views, I can't envision any means by which this approach can succeed. The rights to the series were granted back in 2004 so perhaps they're really taking their time trying to get it right. Dan Simmons has expressed his confidence in the project on his official website.

The Hyperion Cantos began with the Hugo Award winning novel Hyperion in 1989 and spans a total of four books including Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, and The Rise of Endymion.