NASA Celebrates Star Wars' 30th Anniversary

Astronaut Jim Reilly helped welcome R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from Star Wars to the Kennedy Space Center. The lightsaber is being taken into space aboard the real-life spacecraft Discovery during mission STS-120.

The Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-120) successfully launched Oct 23, 2007. George Lucas was in attendance to mark the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. This flight has Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from Return of the Jedi (1983) on board.

Saturday, the astronauts awoke to the Star Wars theme, dedicated to Scott Parazynski who took the opportunity to do his best Darth Vader impression. "Luke, I'm your father. Use the force, Luke." It's that much funnier when you realize Scott really has a son named Luke.